Signs You’re Inflamed & How to Fix it.
Inflammation is the body’s natural healing mechanism. But when it becomes chronic, it becomes problematic.
Inflammation is a player in almost every chronic disease, so one of the best ways to optimize your current and future health is to focus on lowering inflammation.
Here are some signs to look out for and some actionable steps to get you started.
Symptoms of Inflammation
Achey muscles & Joints
Skin Rashes
Excessive mucus production
Poor digestion
Brain Fog
Resistance to weight loss
Unusually Low Energy
Puffy face upon waking
Reasons you may be inflamed
Processed foods
Too much sugar/salt
Alcohol consumption
Excessive high intensity exercise
Leaky Gut
Auto Immune Disease
How to Lower Inflammation
Remove sugar, dairy, gluten & processed foods
Eliminate or limit alcohol consumption
Regular moderate-intensity exercise
Minimize stress (yoga, meditation, journaling, breath work)
ADD Anti-inflammatory foods and spices into your diet
Anti-Inflammatory Foods & Spices
Omega 3’s
Salmon, tuna, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, tofu
Olive oil
Berries, grapes, Kiwi, Citrus Fruits
Deep Green veggies
Green Tea
Turmeric & Garlic